Privacy policy
Rozmawiamy z Klientem jego językiem. Wsłuchujemy się w Jego potrzeby i problemy biznesowe. Checmy go dobrze zrozumieć zanim zaproponujemy rozwiązanie, które dostarcza realnych i trwałych korzyści biznesowych
Angażujemy się w realizowane działania i poświęcamy im cały nasz zapał, wyobraźnię, intelekt i talenty. Wierzymy w to, co robimy dzięki czemu praca daje nam radość i satysfakcję.
Relacja z klientem, Członkami zespołu i Partnerami jest dla nas ważniejsza niż krótkoterminowy zysk. Dostarczamy wartość, nawet jeżeli krótkoterminowo nie jest to dla nas najbardziej korzystne – gdy trzeba mówimy nie
Should you have any questions concerning personal data processing or the exercise of Your rights, feel free to contact the data Controller by sending an e-mail to the following address:
ITTI has a Personal Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted by e-mail sent to:
ITTI processes personal data for various purposes, which are listed below:
Providing any kind of personal data is voluntary and depends on You. However, in some cases, the provision of certain personal data is necessary for ITTI to undertake certain activities at Your request or perform certain services.
ITTI provides the right of access to your personal data, you can rectify them, request their deletion or restrict their processing. You can also use your right to object to the processing of your personal data and the right to transfer your data to another data controller. In the case of consent, it may be withdrawd at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.
ITTI also informs you that you have the right to submit a complaint with the authority supervising the compliance with personal data protection regulations.
From May 25, 2018, you have the right to object to the processing of Your personal data when:
Your personal data are shared with:
Personal data may be transferred to entities (where there are grounds for doing so) from the European Economic Area (EEA). Personal data may be transferred to a third country (outside the EEA) if it guarantees at least the same data protection as is in force in Poland. In practice, such a guarantee is that a given country has been recognised by the European Commission as a country that provides adequate protection. ITTI uses various popular services and technologies offered by entities such as Facebook, Microsoft, Google. These entities have joined the Privacy Shield programme based on the executive decision of the European Commission of 12 July 2016. Entities that joined the Privacy Shield programme guarantee that they will meet high data protection standards applicable in the European Union, therefore the use of their services and offered technologies in the personal data processing process is lawful.
No, we do not perform automated processing of personal data for profiling or selective addressing.
Personal data will be processed within the time necessary to achieve the purpose, as well as after its termination in connection with the fulfilment of the requirements arising from separate regulations, from tax law, from the Accounting Act, from the Social Security Act, from the Labour Code and in time ensuring that possible claims can be processed.
Data is deleted when:
ITTI uses cookies on websites in order to adapt provided services and contents published on websites to individual needs of their users. The user has a right to disable the functions of accepting cookies on their computer. However, they may, in such a case, be no longer able to use certain functionalities available on our website.
ITTI places great emphasis on the security of the personal data processing. Appropriate technical and organisational measures are applied to protect personal data against unauthorised disclosure and access, against accidental or unlawful destruction and loss. No way of transmitting data over ICT networks and no electronic or physical storage can guarantee completed security.
When using ITTI websites, the Privacy Policy is valid at the time of using them. Changes in the legislative sphere in the field of personal data protection, as well as other factors, may affect changes in the privacy protection policy. ITTI reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy.
Do you have any questions for us? Do you want to work with us?
ul. Rubież 46, 61-612 Poznań
District Court of Poznań Nowe Miasto and Wilda, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register: KRS 0000186080
NIP: 781-10-19-801
REGON: 630400909
Share capital: 1 295 000 PLN
Java Spring
React Native
IT Architecture
Process Modeling
UX/UI Design
CBRN Sensors
Sensor Networks
Object Detection
Copyright © 2020 iTTi Sp. z o.o. Privacy Policy
ul. Rubież 46
61-612 Poznań
Sąd Rejonowy Poznań Nowe Miasto i Wilda VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego KRS: 0000186080
NIP: 781-10-19-801
REGON: 630400909
Kapitał Zakładowy: 1 295 000 PLN
Java Spring
React Native
Architektura IT
Modelowanie procesów
Projektowanie UX/UI
Sensory CBRN
Sieci sensorów
Detekcja obiektów
Copyright © 2020 iTTi Sp. z o.o. Polityka Prywatności